The 90 Day Challenge, Day 19 – Trusting God’s Jig For My Life

“Lead me in the right path, O LORD, or my enemies will conquer me. Make your way plain for me to follow.” -Psalm 5:8

I have a jig for cutting tapered legs on a table saw. I also have a jig for planing large projects with a router. Both of these would be very difficult, if not impossible to do, without s jig. Trusting those jigs simplifies everything.

The Psalmist is going through great heartache. In the first three verses he refers to his “groaning” and coming to God in prayer. His prayer includes asking for God to lead him, and to do so in a way that will be plain to him. Trusting God to lead us; asking God to lead us makes our difficulty more bearable. Trusting God by praying for him to lead us simplifies our lives because we are trusting the Holy Spirit to make plain what we are to do. Trust prays. Trust asks for wisdom and discernment. Trust seeks and believes he/she will receive His leading us in the right path. Trust believes and counts on God so loving us that He will make it plain for us to follow Him.

Father, please lead me, and lead in plain ways that remove ambiguity and my own self-will.


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