Who I Am – A Citizen Of Heaven

How we see ourselves affects our perception of the present and the future.  I missed posting last week’s affirmations of who we are in Christ.  It was a hectic week.  I had two days of meetings scheduled.  An already busy week  suddenly included someone who became critically ill, which ended in death.  Spending time with that precious family in such a time is perhaps the strongest argument for seeing we are citizens of heaven.

Death may come, but our citizenship is in heaven.  Sorrow and loss may grip us like a vise, but our citizenship is in heaven.  Our day or week or month or life may be falling apart, but our citizenship is in heaven.  Someone may offend or hurt or destroy us, but our citizenship is in heaven.  We may even be the cause of our own sorrows or failures, but our citizenship is in heaven!  And since our citizenship is in heaven – “we eagerly await a Savior from there.”  In other words,  those of us who believe in Jesus, look forward to the return of Christ above all else.

Here are the affirmations of faith to go along with this truth.  Take time to review them at least once a day.  Allow the Spirit of God to ingrain these truths into the fabric of daily life.

I am a citizen of heaven, seated in heaven right now. (Philippians 3:20, Ephesians 2:6)
I am totally accepted by God.  (Colossians 1:21-22)
I am joint heir with Christ. (Romans 8:17)
I am a saint. (Ephesians 1:1)


The 90 Day Challenge, Day 26 – “For The Glory”

“So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” -1 Corinthians 10:31

For the glory of God is our chief aim.  It is about attitude, perspective.  I am being called to approach everything in  life with the glory of God in mind.  Keeping in mind the glory of God results in thankfulness, gratitude.  Keeping in mind the glory of God results in boundaries.  There will be some things I will not do or think or say because it will not bring glory to God.  Keeping in mind the glory of God results in humility.  Life isn’t all about me, and I am not the greatest thing since … (fill in the blank).  Keeping in mind the glory of God results in a heart eager to seek forgiveness when sin is exposed.  Keeping in mind the glory of God results in enjoying the life given me and finding joy in everything.  Keeping in mind the glory of God results in singing.  How can I keep from singing to the Glorious God who has blessed me with His glory in and around me?  When the glory of God is in view the “do it all” is a natural thing.

Lord, help me live the moments of my life with Your glory in plain sight.


The 90 Day Challenge – Day 41 (O.T.)

“Then God helped Balaam see what was going on.” -Numbers 22:31

You would think Balaam would have “got the picture” by now. If a donkey was talking to me – I would notice! Big time – after getting passed wondering if I had lost my mind. The donkey warns of him being killed by an angel. That would be enough for me… but God has to open his eyes to see. I can imagine myself in his situation but responding differently. But, in my world, in my life, when things are falling apart (from my perspective), I too need God’s help to see what is going on. I need to see that there is more going on than what I can see.

Lord, give me Your eyes…


The 90 Day Challenge – Day 39 (O.T.)

“God, your God, has blessed you in everything you have done… You haven’t lacked one thing.” -Deuteronomy 2:7

Perspective. It is all about perspective! Over the last several days I have been “traveling” with Israel in the wanderings in the wilderness since leaving Egypt. One thing is clear. The perspective of the Israelites was anything but feeling blessed. They thought they lacked plenty. They complained again and again about what they didn’t have, or what they wanted. They imagined the “good old days” as slaves in Egypt as better than their present circumstance. They complained, threatened, and even rejected God.

Then there is God’s perspective. He has blessed them all along the way. He has worked so they lacked nothing. He has visibly been present day in and day out in a pillar of Cloud by day and Fire by night. In addition, God would come upon the Tent of Meeting. He gave them laws and guidance on how to worship Him and find forgiveness and blessing.

Perspective. My perspective matters. Do I look at my life, or an immediate situation from the perspective of complaint or blessing? Do I look at what is going on around me and feel inadequate, or do I believe that with God I “haven’t lacked one thing?” How I need more of His perspective on my life rather than just my own!

Lord, give me Your eyes that my perspective is one of blessing and abundance!


90 Days With Jesus & The Disciples – Day 22

Mark 6:14-29, Matthew 14:1-12, Luke 9:7-9

“At that time Herod the tetrarch heard the report about Jesus and said to his servants, ‘This is John the Baptist; he is risen from the dead, and therefore these powers are at work in him.’” -Matthew 14:1-2

Herod hears of the miracles and ministry of Jesus and thinks John the Baptist has come back to life!  Why?  Herod had ordered the execution of John the Baptist.  Herod’s perspective was skewed because of guilt.  He couldn’t see Jesus for who He was because of his own guilt…

Guilt skews perspective.  It throws off how I/we see things.  It hinders my ability to see things as they really are.  I wish I could say I only know this because the Bible tells me so.  But I know from personal experience too.  Sometimes the “altered reality” is readily apparent.  In such times I must then decide to immediately deal with the problem before the Lord or put it off.  At other times, it takes a while to see that I am not seeing clearly.  Generally, the Lord will do so through His Word, circumstances, etc.  In those times it feels like a light being turned on in a dark room of my heart and mind.  I marvel at how could I have been so blind and then the weight of my sin brings me to my knees before the Lord in seeking forgiveness.  In these moments I am overwhelmed by the profound significance of the most basic of promises in 1 John 1:9 – “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”  “All”!

It seems to me that it would be a wise thing to probe our thoughts – heart for guilt both felt and genuine.  Then when necessary the promise in 1 John 1:9 can be applied and our perspective will come into proper focus once again.

Lord, if my perspective is skewed, show me that I may once again see my life from Your perspective.