The 90 Day Challenge Day 50 – Promises & Brokenness


“Our bodies are buried in brokenness, but will be raised in glory.  They are buried in weakness, but they will be raised in strength.” -1 Corinthians 15:43

“Brokenness” and “weakness,” I don’t need any explanation for those concepts!  Life isn’t always what I imagined or dreamed of it being.  Some dreams are shattered, ripped from my hands, destroyed – never to be.  The messiness of life, the messy choices of others, my own sinful messy choices, and just the mess sin brings to all of us in affecting this world leave me broken and weak.  The real issue is my dreams versus God’s plans for my life.  His plan can still be good, and for my best but still leave me broken and weak.  Brokenness and weakness drive me to a deeper dependence, a deeper trust, a deeper relationship with Jesus.  Brokenness and weakness prepare me to long for what was promised when I received Christ into my life – “glory” and “strength.”  I taste and experience glory and strength in muted ways in this life.  It can be a moment of worship, or a song.  Sometimes it can be as insignificant as a smile, a friendship, playing cards with friends and family, or…. well you get it.  But this life, as wonderful as it is with Jesus, leaves me longing for the fullness of glory and strength when Jesus returns, and makes all who believe in Him fully like Jesus, with no tainting from a sinful nature.  So, I embrace the brokenness (albeit reluctantly at times), I embrace the weakness, because in Jesus glory and strength is in me by His Spirit.  I embrace the brokenness and weakness because it is the path to future fullness of glory and strength.

Father, help me to not run from my brokenness or weakness.  Let me run toward it with You believing it will give me glory and strength both now, and fully when you return.

Readings: 1 Corinthians 15, 1 Chronicles 29, Revelation 12, Romans 8

The 90 Day Challenge, Day 26 – “For The Glory”

“So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” -1 Corinthians 10:31

For the glory of God is our chief aim.  It is about attitude, perspective.  I am being called to approach everything in  life with the glory of God in mind.  Keeping in mind the glory of God results in thankfulness, gratitude.  Keeping in mind the glory of God results in boundaries.  There will be some things I will not do or think or say because it will not bring glory to God.  Keeping in mind the glory of God results in humility.  Life isn’t all about me, and I am not the greatest thing since … (fill in the blank).  Keeping in mind the glory of God results in a heart eager to seek forgiveness when sin is exposed.  Keeping in mind the glory of God results in enjoying the life given me and finding joy in everything.  Keeping in mind the glory of God results in singing.  How can I keep from singing to the Glorious God who has blessed me with His glory in and around me?  When the glory of God is in view the “do it all” is a natural thing.

Lord, help me live the moments of my life with Your glory in plain sight.