The 90 Day Challenge, Day 13 – Trust & Confidence

“So Jesus told them, “My message is not my own; it comes from God who sent me.” -John 7:16

Confidence matters. How someone sings in public (whether as a solo or with a group of people) reveals confidence or a lack of it. I don’t dance. My fear of looking like a dork keeps me far from it. A lack of confidence. In John 7 Jesus is clearly confident in spite of people wanting to arrest and kill him.

Where does His confidence come from? He is God in the flesh. How could He not be confident? We need to remember that Jesus is not only fully God, He is also fully man. As such he lives out for us what a human life perfectly yielded to God can be like. Will we fully attain it in this life? No, but we can move in that direction awaiting the completion of it when Jesus comes again. Jesus exudes a confidence that is built on His clear conviction, belief, trust, in the fact that “God sent me.”

One of the most powerful blessings in daily life is a trust in God’s purpose for my life. A trust that God sent me, sent you makes a huge difference. Life is lived more confidently and joyfully with a trust that God has sent us to where we are. When we trust that God sent us to this time and place to make a difference we no longer fear what is going on in the world and become a difference maker. When we trust God sent us to be husbands, wives, parents, friends we live more purposely with family and friends. When we trust God sent us to our place of employment we see our job not just as income but a place to invest in friendships in our mission field. When we trust God sent us to the church we are attending we become involved in helping to make that church all God wants it to be. Trust changes how we live from self-centered to God centered, Spirit empowering, and Jesus’ grace enabling. Trusting in Jesus is can-do living.

Father, open my eyes to see and my heart to believe that every moment of my life is a sent m

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