The 90 Day Challenge, Day 50 – Trust Greater Than My Comfort

“And now I make one more appeal, my dear brothers and sisters. Watch out for people who cause divisions and upset people’s faith by teaching things contrary to what you have been taught. Stay away from them.” -Romans 16:17

I bought a new indoor smart trainer for my bike. It required a bit of assembly. I pulled out the directions and followed them, or thought I had. I went over them again and put everything together as needed for it to work. This included reading the QR code to install the app needed for it to work properly. I put my full trust in those directions.

Paul warns about being deceived by false teachers. He too appeals to following the directions in order for their lives to be all God wants them to be. He encourages them to follow what they had been taught. And what were they taught? The Scriptures through the teaching of the Apostles. It included the Old Testament, for Paul often references the Old Testament in his inspired writings.

If we truly trust in Jesus, then we will also truly, and fully trust in His Word. But do we? Do we fully trust in His Word when it disagrees with how we are living? Do we trust His Word when we ignore what He wants us to do, or think? Trusting His Word leads to encouragement. Trusting His Word leads to hope in God’s faithfulness and love. Trust in God’s Word also leads to confession and repentance. Trust in God’s Word leads to our changing our behavior and thinking. Trust in God’s Word sets us on the path to becoming more and more like Jesus.

Father, guide me in choosing to trust in Your Word over my being comfortable


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