The 90 Day Challenge, Day 81 – Choosing Trust Over Darkness

“Who among you fears the LORD and obeys his servant? If you are walking in darkness, without a ray of light, trust in the LORD and rely on your God” -Isaiah 50:10

“But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.” -1 Peter 2:9

There are caves that have water and fish living in them. In the darkest part of those caves the fish can no longer see. In the darkness vision is not necessary. We too can live in darkness. Sometimes we are aware of our darkness. Sometimes we feel the darkness we are living in. However, there are many in darkness who do not know it. They have become used to the dark.

Isaiah invites us out of the dark. The darkness here is described as living by our own insights (vs. 11), linking a life without Christ, and without Him in control of our lives. We are invited to trust God, to come into His light, to let Him help us see life His way instead of ours.

Peter reminds believers in Jesus that we are called out of the darkness. To believe in Jesus is to live with His light guiding us. Peter shares this so that we will trust in and choose to not live in the darkness now that we know Jesus.

I have had times in my own life as a Christian where I was choosing to live in darkness. At first, there was a sense of warning but I pressed on with my own agenda. You get used to the dark. You get comfortable with the dark. You enjoy the dark, and you get upset with anyone pointing out you are in the dark! But eventually, darkness is oppressive. It closes in on you constricting you, slowly increasing the weight of guilt, loss, emptiness.

You can be Christian and living in darkness. You ignore His Word on certain areas of your life. If someone even hints at something where your life is not in line with the Word you get upset about being “judged.” But eventually, you feel the darkness in your life, much like the plague God sent on Egypt the “darkness that could be felt.”

The wonderful news is we have been called out of darkness by faith in Jesus. And, He is still inviting us to come out of darkness into the light of His presence, His truth, His love, His Holy Spirit. Today is the day to trust Jesus can lead you out of your darkness, your struggle with sin, your excuses, and bring you into His wonderful light!

Father, reveal to many any places, no matter how big or small where darkness is lurking in me that I may live more freely in Your wonderful light this day!


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The 90 Day Challenge, Day 80 – Trust Changes Everything

“But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy. For the Scriptures say, “You must be holy because I am holy.” -1 Peter 1:15-16

Trust changes everything. When you trust someone there are things you will do with and for them. When you trust someone there are things you will share with them you will not share with others. When you don’t trust someone, everything changes, a wall goes up – sometimes with a drawbridge and mote!

When we trust in Jesus the way we live is supposed to change. He chose us, we did not choose him except as a response to his drawing us to faith. He chose us and trusting in Him leads to a change of living in every area of our lives. Jesus comes to live in us by His Holy Spirit. Please note, He is the Holy Spirit not just Spirit. The presence of His holiness in us calls us to be holy in what we say, do, and think. Conversely, if we are comfortable with a less than holy life, if we are not seeking to make changes to be more holy, but are rationalizing our lack of being holy in an area of life it reflects our trust is superficial. We trust God for salvation but we do not trust Him as Lord, King, Master of our lives.

Father, grow my trust in you, grow Your presence in me, grow my holy living as a result.


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The 90 Day Challenge, Day 79 – Trust When Trouble Knocks

“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.” -James 1:2-3

What brings joy to your life? A good time with family or friends. God working in and through your life. A fun experience, or awe inspiring time. Time with children or grandchildren might come to mind. But I must admit trouble would not make my list of things that brings me joy. Typically, trouble brings everything but joy!

And yet, we are told trouble is an opportunity for not just joy, but great joy! Seems a bit over the top to me, excessive, unrealistic – from my perspective, from a human point of view. This is where the problem lies – perspective, what I put my faith in, what I trust. James tells us trouble is the means of growing our endurance, our perseverance. Even I can agree that endurance is best learned in hard times and circumstances. Troubles are an opportunity for joy if we so choose to think that way. And we think that way only by trusting God to walk with us in times of trouble. Trust and faith in God making us stronger through difficulties makes trouble an opportunity for joy. This doesn’t mean I enjoy the trouble. I am not asked to be a masochist. I am asked to trust God will use the hard times and places to make me a better person – someone who can endure, persist, be counted on by others.

Today, I will live by faith. Today I will trust so that when trouble comes I will choose joy because of how God will use it in my life to make me a better me – who now better reflects Jesus!

Father, when the next time of trouble comes my way help me to choose to live by faith and see it as an opportunity for joy because of how you will use it to make me more like Jesus!


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Readings for Week 12 of the 90 Day Challenge

Day 78 – Monday, June 17: Isaiah 30, Hebrews 11

Day 79 – Tuesday, June 18: Isaiah 31, James 1

Day 80 – Wednesday, June 19: Isaiah 46, 1 Peter 1

Day 81 – Thursday, June 20: Isaiah 50, 1 Peter 2

Day 82 – Friday, June 21: Isaiah 63, 2 Peter 1

Day 83 – Saturday, June 22: Jeremiah 13, 2 Peter 3

Day 84 – Sunday, June 23: CATCH UP DAY

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The 90 Day Challenge, Day 78 – Faith The Clear Sign Of Trust

“All these people died still believing what God had promised them. They did not receive what was promised, but they saw it all from a distance and welcomed it. They agreed that they were foreigners and nomads here on earth.” -Hebrews 11:13

Both traffic signs and signs for stores are brief, to the point. You do not see a paragraph long traffic sign. When you read Hebrews 11 one key truth is clear: To trust is to live by faith and to live by faith is to trust. The people in this chapter are so committed to this trust, this living by faith, that they chose to have faith in God and His promises even though they never experienced it in their lifetime!

It is time to measure our trust by how much we live by faith. It means living by faith in God’s promises to us in His Word. It means living by faith that he will work in our circumstance even if we can’t see how. It means living by faith in such a way that we trust He will guide us every day. It means living by faith instead of doubt, fear, or cynicism.

Father, strengthen me to live a faith filled life in all aspects rather than a life of doubt and negativity!


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The 90 Day Challenge, Day 76 – The Tension Of Trust

“For by that one offering he forever made perfect those who are being made holy.” -Hebrews 10:14

Trust is sometimes a hard thing to give. It is even harder when we are asked to trust in something that is hard to believe. It is hard to trust when it creates a level of tension. This verse does that. I am to trust that I am something that I am also not yet. Because of the blood of Jesus sacrificed for me, I am forever made perfect! Great news! However, I am also “BEING” made holy. I am in process. I am becoming more like Jesus but I have not yet arrived.

When we put our trust in Jesus for salvation and the forgiveness of our sins we are forever perfect. Our position in Christ secures our salvation. We are given the perfection of Jesus. In practice, in daily living, we are being made holy. We are not there yet. Sometimes we are far from there yet. What wonderful news to be made perfect and yet far from perfect in daily life – this is worthy of our trust. In Christ I have His perfection insuring the certainty of my salvation and the ultimate fulfillment of being made perfect when Jesus comes. At the same time, I am still a sinner being made more like Jesus, more holy day by day, choice by choice. This gift of “forever made perfect” includes the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives encouraging, urging, teaching, and convicting us to choose to live a more holy life now.

Trusting that I am even though I am not yet all God wants me to be, I find to be comforting, reassuring, and motivating to draw near to the Lord and to ask Him to help me be more and more like Jesus till He comes.

Father, I trust in you making me perfect through Jesus even though I am still a work in progress. Keep working in me to make me more holy, more like Jesus.


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The 90 Day Challenge, Day 75 – Trust & Wonder

“O LORD, I will honor and praise your name, for you are my God. You do such wonderful things! You planned them long ago, and now you have accomplished them.” -Isaiah 25:1

I have seen it in children, the first time they experience an amusement park. I have experienced it on a hiking trail in the mountains – awed by one view that is unbelievable only to come to a view even more grand around another turn on the hike. And, I continue to experience this same feeling with the truths God reveals in His Word. And I never tire of the views from different vantage points.

Today the vantage point is God’s amazing grace and love for me. God does wonderful things. I know that to be true. However there are times I think about how undeserving I have been. Why should He do wonderful things for me?! This verse lays all that to rest. The wonderful things God planned to do in and around my life, your life, was “long ago.” God planned wonderful things for us before we were even born, which means these wonderful things God does are independent of my failures. To be sure, there are wonderful things tied to our obedience and living fully for Him, perhaps it would be more accurate to say He has more wonderful things for us. Nevertheless, I can trust in the goodness, the grace, the love of God who does wonderful things in and around my life, your life, because that was His gracious plan long ago. Trusting the Lord in this way frees us to live freely and fully for Him rather than holding back.

Father, thank you for all the wonderful things you do for me, including the things I don’t see. And thank you that there are wonderful things for me, from You that depend on your goodness rather than mine!


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The 90 Day Challenge, Day 74 – A Trust Big Enough To Do Anything

“So I am willing to endure anything if it will bring salvation and eternal glory in Christ Jesus to those God has chosen.” -2 Timothy 2:10

What stirs us to do absolutely anything? If you have children you would do anything for them. You would do anything for your family, maybe even someone close to you that you treat like family. These are all noble and good choices. But what about bringing people to salvation, and bringing glory to God?

I think our natural tendency is to add some words to this verse: “So I am willing to do anything “If I can’t avoid it” to bring salvation and eternal glory…” Yet two of the most important aspects of our faith in Jesus is in leading others to salvation, and to live a life that brings glory to God. We fear sharing our faith. What if I mess up? “I don’t know what to say.” “What if they ask a question for which I have no answer?” While these are stressers Paul shares another comforting truth in this verse. When we share the message of salvation with others those who respond are “chosen” by God. The person who comes to faith from our sharing does so because of God choosing and working in their lives, not from our oratorical skills or the depth of our knowledge of salvation, justification, and sanctification.

This verse highlights another important focus of our lives – bringing glory to God by bringing glory to Jesus. We bring glory to Jesus by our worship. We bring glory to Jesus by our responding to Him speaking and guiding us through His Word and Holy Spirit. We bring glory to God by becoming more and more like Jesus. We bring glory to God by how we live each day, each decision of each day. We bring glory to God by our thinking – what we do and refuse to think about. We bring glory to God by letting Him live His life in and through us. When we commit everything we do to His glory – He receives glory.

What does this have to do with trust? If we trust that salvation is the most important decision we, or anyone else has to make then we will do anything to bring salvation to others. If we trust that we are here to “glorify God and enjoy Him forever” then we will do anything in any aspect of our lives to live in a way that brings glory to Him.

Father, give me, give us, a do anything attitude when it comes to salvation and living for Your glory!


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The 90 Day Challenge, Day 73 – Trust For The Unexpected

“But you aren’t in the dark about these things, dear brothers and sisters, and you won’t be surprised when the day of the Lord comes like a thief.” -1 Thessalonians 5:4

Tuesday mornings I have breakfast with some men in the church. When I left the house there was an accident blocking the road. Surprised? Yes, but I could take another route. No big deal. I wonder if when we read the word surprised in this verse we treat it the same. We know Jesus is coming but we have time and can find alternate routes to what He wants, or maybe we can postpone what He wants of us until later.

However, the truth here is that the believer will not be surprised at the return of Jesus. In verse 2 of this chapter we are told there will be people who are surprised at His return – evidently those who are not truly believers in Jesus. The point is, if we are in a right relationship with Jesus we will not be surprised; we will be ready, prepared, not fearful if Jesus were to come today, or in the next 60 seconds.

The reading today in Ecclesiastes 12 adds more depth to this picture. The author hits us about living for Jesus while we are young, able, have our full health and abilities. It warns of waiting too late to get serious about living for the Lord. The irony is when we are young our schedules are crammed and we can reason that we will get to it later, after all we need “self-care.” I am not convinced that “self-care” placed above living for Jesus will be warmly received by Jesus on that day.

Another matter raised in Thessalonians is why are these believers not “in the dark” about the return of Jesus? The answer is pretty basic. They are involved in Bible Study, Bible Teaching, sensitive to the leading of the Spirit, and seeking to apply the truths of God’s Word to daily life. In essence they are ready for Jesus to come at any time. It is a simple truth for us to apply. Do we trust what God says about Jesus return being sudden, “like a thief?” If so, our trust will lead us to be ready for him to come – even if it is today!

Father, guide me in living ready for Jesus to come today and not fearful or ashamed. And help me to live this day in a way that can help others to be ready too.


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The 90 Day Challenge, Day 72 – Trust Overcomes Being Too Comfortable

“Finally, dear brothers and sisters, a we urge you in the name of the Lord Jesus to live in a way that pleases God, as we have taught you. You live this way already, and we encourage you to do so even more.” -1 Thessalonians 4:1

It is so easy to get comfortable. You have had a busy day, worked hard, and have come home. There are things to do but you sit down and … that’s it. We learn that to get some other things done we better not sit down, we better keep going.

It is also easy to get comfortable spiritually. In writing to the church of the Thessalonians Paul urges them to live in a way that pleases the Lord. He notes they are already doing this. Then he encourages them to do so even more. We can seek to live to please God to a certain point. Then we get comfortable, or maybe are avoiding the uncomfortable if we press any further in living the life Jesus wants us to live. Trusting in Jesus, however, challenges us to become more and more like Jesus throughout our lives – to live in a way that pleases God and to do so even more.

Perhaps it is time for us to trust that living to please God even more throughout our lives is what is best for us. Perhaps it is time to trust that pleasing God even more, though it may mean sacrifice and uncomfortable changes is worth it both now and when Jesus returns. Perhaps it is time to trust that when we decide to live to please God even more, that God will use our example, heart, and words to draw someone else into a growing relationship with Jesus; that someone else will be rescued from the day of judgment and now know Jesus and eternal life because we kept following Jesus more and more.

Father, I choose to trust that living to please You more and more will be for my good, and will draw others to faith in You.


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