The 90 Day Challenge, Day 74 – A Trust Big Enough To Do Anything

“So I am willing to endure anything if it will bring salvation and eternal glory in Christ Jesus to those God has chosen.” -2 Timothy 2:10

What stirs us to do absolutely anything? If you have children you would do anything for them. You would do anything for your family, maybe even someone close to you that you treat like family. These are all noble and good choices. But what about bringing people to salvation, and bringing glory to God?

I think our natural tendency is to add some words to this verse: “So I am willing to do anything “If I can’t avoid it” to bring salvation and eternal glory…” Yet two of the most important aspects of our faith in Jesus is in leading others to salvation, and to live a life that brings glory to God. We fear sharing our faith. What if I mess up? “I don’t know what to say.” “What if they ask a question for which I have no answer?” While these are stressers Paul shares another comforting truth in this verse. When we share the message of salvation with others those who respond are “chosen” by God. The person who comes to faith from our sharing does so because of God choosing and working in their lives, not from our oratorical skills or the depth of our knowledge of salvation, justification, and sanctification.

This verse highlights another important focus of our lives – bringing glory to God by bringing glory to Jesus. We bring glory to Jesus by our worship. We bring glory to Jesus by our responding to Him speaking and guiding us through His Word and Holy Spirit. We bring glory to God by becoming more and more like Jesus. We bring glory to God by how we live each day, each decision of each day. We bring glory to God by our thinking – what we do and refuse to think about. We bring glory to God by letting Him live His life in and through us. When we commit everything we do to His glory – He receives glory.

What does this have to do with trust? If we trust that salvation is the most important decision we, or anyone else has to make then we will do anything to bring salvation to others. If we trust that we are here to “glorify God and enjoy Him forever” then we will do anything in any aspect of our lives to live in a way that brings glory to Him.

Father, give me, give us, a do anything attitude when it comes to salvation and living for Your glory!


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