The 90 Day Challenge, Day 73 – Trust For The Unexpected

“But you aren’t in the dark about these things, dear brothers and sisters, and you won’t be surprised when the day of the Lord comes like a thief.” -1 Thessalonians 5:4

Tuesday mornings I have breakfast with some men in the church. When I left the house there was an accident blocking the road. Surprised? Yes, but I could take another route. No big deal. I wonder if when we read the word surprised in this verse we treat it the same. We know Jesus is coming but we have time and can find alternate routes to what He wants, or maybe we can postpone what He wants of us until later.

However, the truth here is that the believer will not be surprised at the return of Jesus. In verse 2 of this chapter we are told there will be people who are surprised at His return – evidently those who are not truly believers in Jesus. The point is, if we are in a right relationship with Jesus we will not be surprised; we will be ready, prepared, not fearful if Jesus were to come today, or in the next 60 seconds.

The reading today in Ecclesiastes 12 adds more depth to this picture. The author hits us about living for Jesus while we are young, able, have our full health and abilities. It warns of waiting too late to get serious about living for the Lord. The irony is when we are young our schedules are crammed and we can reason that we will get to it later, after all we need “self-care.” I am not convinced that “self-care” placed above living for Jesus will be warmly received by Jesus on that day.

Another matter raised in Thessalonians is why are these believers not “in the dark” about the return of Jesus? The answer is pretty basic. They are involved in Bible Study, Bible Teaching, sensitive to the leading of the Spirit, and seeking to apply the truths of God’s Word to daily life. In essence they are ready for Jesus to come at any time. It is a simple truth for us to apply. Do we trust what God says about Jesus return being sudden, “like a thief?” If so, our trust will lead us to be ready for him to come – even if it is today!

Father, guide me in living ready for Jesus to come today and not fearful or ashamed. And help me to live this day in a way that can help others to be ready too.


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