The 90 Day Challenge, Day 71 – Trust = The Difference Maker

“Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.” -Colossians 4:2

Honestly, I hate waiting in line. I often view it as a waste of my time and have little patience with it. More than once I have walked out rather than remain in line. But the truth is, waiting in line is doing something. I wonder, do we sometimes treat prayer like waiting in line – we are not really doing anything!

The truth is prayer is doing something. It is bringing God into the circumstance or person for which we are praying. Prayer is such a difference maker we are encouraged to devote ourselves to prayer. If we trust in the efficacy of prayer we will devote ourselves to prayer with an “alert mind.” Being alert to what is going to do for us, others, the world, gives us insight into what God wants us to pray about. Being alert to what God is doing, or wants to do demands trust in His leading, trust in the power of praying to Him. If we believe in prayer we will pray about things with a thankful heart; thankful that God has moved us to pray and thankful for how God is going to work. A thankful heart in prayer is to trust God. Our prayer life is, in the end, a reflection of our trust in Him.

Father, I want to tie my trust in You to my praying, so grow my praying, grow my thankfulness, grow my attentiveness to what You are doing around me.


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