The 90 Day Challenge, Day 83 – Trusting The Nearness Of His Coming

“The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.” -2 Peter 3:9

All of us have at times said things to move on. We have been asked how we are doing and our response has been “fine.” When in fact We are either not fine, or other things are clouding our life and we don’t want to talk about it or deal with it.

As Christians we say Jesus is coming again, but in reality we do not live like it might be today. Given enough time this attitude deteriorates or weakens our trust in the return of Jesus being any time soon. Peter reminds us that Jesus is coming again. He will bring judgment to those who do not believe. He will create a new heavens and a new earth. And, we should live differently because He is coming soon.

Trust, genuine trust in Jesus means we trust His promise of returning in judgment for those who do not believe in Him, and eternal life for those who do. One of the most hopeful, and inspiring things we can trust about the return of Jesus is the delay is so others will repent and turn to faith in Him. Trust in this truth gives us hope for family and friends who do not yet believe in Jesus as they should. Trust in Him wanting other to come to faith motivates us to pray for the lost around us and to share our faith with them. Who knows? Maybe one of the people we need to share the gospel with is the last person He seeks to come to faith before He returns!!

Father, I trust your promise that Jesus is coming soon, and with that I trust my part as I wait for your coming, is to share with others the message of salvation by faith through Christ alone.


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